Monday, January 18, 2010

Golden Globes' Golden Ticket 2010

Yes, yes. I know most everyone has done their own redition of the best dressed rundown. Well I didn't want to be left out, did I? I have to admit I didn't watch it. I was so tired from cooking this meal I did yesterday that I went to sleep earlier than I should've of. The bf took over the TV and watched something with sports in it so I woke to find all the GG goodies.

Here is my list of my favorite 10 dressed.

Kate. Oh Kate. You can do no wrong, seriously. Perfect fit, perfect shape and always looking stunning.

My girl Emily looked ethreal, I just adore her look but I would've done something else with the hair, that's just me.

Heidi & Seal. Probably the only Hollywood couple I love and if they ever break up I will sit in a room with ice cream and cry for a week as I watch Project Runway over and over. Does this couple ever look bad? Seriously, she's just had like her 10th kid and look at them!

I saw a lot of people hated this dress but I absolutely loved it! It's bright and gorgeous and very diffetent and daring. I loved it, Diane.

Speaking of Marion. Seriously stunning, hair, make-up, shoes, dress, hint of a slip with lace. I loved it.

I saw a lot of critique about January's dress but I have to say that I LOVED it! The headband, the ice on the wrist, the entire look is fabulous. Can I take a moment to point out the killer red nails? RED NAILS, FTW!

Kristin wisely chose a short cocktail dress, she's so short as it is, a long gown would drown her. She looks young, fresh and super chic. I loved it.

Ginnifer's choice of a cocktail dress also wowed me, I thought she looked possitively beautiful. The color is great on her and the dress lenght is perfect. I also love my girls rocking the short hair.

Carey looked super perfect in this beautiful navy dress. It reminded me of that Oscar dress Marion wore in the Oscars she won; like a scale consistency. Either way I love it, loved also the second use of a head band.

When you're a big woman it is hard to find a dress that not only slims you but that it's not black AND it slims you. Mo'Nique found it and I thought she looked spectacular, one of the biggest (no pun intended, girl <3) most fabulous surprises of the night. Now, if my girl would just shave her legs we can all rest at ease.

1 comment:

  1. all very pretty

