Thursday, January 14, 2010

Polish Parade

You know I like to do these every once in a while; show you what I've been sporting :)

Chi's Check out That Venus Goddess

Essie's Groovy Grape

Essie's Mint Candy Apple
(more blue-tone to it than Channel's Jade but still lovely)

Nubar's  Cherry Cordial

Orly's Country Club Khaki <3

OPI's Shim-Shimmery

OPI's Hey Get In Lime! (great for those of you who refuse to spend a percentage of your paycheck on Channel's Jade, it's nearly identical)

My traveling nail kit. I know. I'm a nerd.

That's all for now, I will continue collecting polish pics :)


  1. i love these polish posts, b/c well i am basically obsessed with polish! i got the essie green for christmas and i am scared of it! not sure how it's going to work on my skin tone.

  2. Give it a try, you never know! My best friend also has darker skin tone and she refuses to try it but I figured why not, even to just experiment at home.
